Roland Barthes Plastic Pdf

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Roland Barthes Plastic Pdf

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Preview — Mythologies by Roland Barthes

'No denunciation without its proper instrument of close analysis,' Roland Barthes wrote in his preface to Mythologies. There is no more proper instrument of analysis of our contemporary myths than this book—one of the most significant works in French theory, and one that has transformed the way readers and philosophers view the world around them.
Our age is a triumph of cod
Published 1972 by Hill and Wang (first published 1957)

Roland Barthes on the Alchemy of Plastic. In the poetic order of major substances, plastic is a disgraced material, lost between the effusion of rubber and the flat hardness of metal: it achieves none of the true productions of the mineral order: foam, fibers, strata. It is a shaped substance: whatever its final state. Books by Roland Barthes. A Barthes Reader Camera Lucida Critical Essays The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies Elements of Semiology Empire of Signs The Fashion System The Grain of the Voice Image-Music-Text. Lover's Discourse Michelet Mythologies New Critical Essays On Racine. The Pleasure ofthe Text The Resp01isibility of Forms. Books by Roland Barthes. A Barthes Reader Camera Lucida Critical Essays The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies Elements of Semiology Empire of Signs The Fashion System The Grain of the Voice Image-Music-Text. Lover's Discourse Michelet Mythologies New Critical Essays On Racine. The Pleasure ofthe Text The Resp01isibility of Forms.

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Johnny LucasShort answer: Yes.
Long answer:
Semiology as a formal field of study was nascent at the time Barthes was writing Mythologies. Aside from the final…more
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer:
Semiology as a formal field of study was nascent at the time Barthes was writing Mythologies. Aside from the final essay, 'Myth, Today', Barthes does not focus on Semiological theory per se, but instead uses it to analyse the language of cultural phenomena; ranging from Wrestling to Margarine to an exhibition in Paris called 'The Great Family of Man'. His aim in this is to demonstrate how bourgeois ideology creates a separate and distorted (he even claims 'parasitic') field of discourse, which he terms 'mythical'. In the final essay, however, Barthes explains his reasoning, influences, and method so far. I found the last essay to be rather dense, and definitely recommend reading the preceding chapters in order to familiarise yourself with the terms and concepts he uses. Overall it's a cracking read though, and recommend it to anyone who feels that there are aspects of our cosy culture which imply, rather than outright state, an unpalatable reality. Hope this helps!(less)
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Feb 16, 2013Riku Sayuj rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: literary-theory, direct-lit-crit, books-about-books, direct-phil, lit-crit, review-poems
On Arranging My Library
Arranging a library is no easy task:
I think Tolkien will be happy to share his space
With Virgil and Homer,
In my Library.
While I can feel the glare in my back
as I stack
Nabokov next to that one copy of
Dan Brown I own.
Arranging a library is no easy task:
To do so this seriously is almost to practice
In an amateurish and private fashion,
The art of literary criticism.
And once that notion entered my library,
My authors took to their relative positions
With none of that dismissiven
Apr 25, 2011Trevor rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: social-theory, language, philosophy, psychology
This was much more interesting than I expected it to be – and I could even go as far as to say some of it was quite fun. I mean fun in a relative sense, of course, as this is a text with quite some ‘resistance’ and so some of it was also quite hard to read.
Most of the text is a series of short essays that discuss what the author refers to as ‘myths’. Now, these aren’t really the kinds of things that you might automatically associate with the word ‘myth’. There is a longish (longish for a book t
The second part of the book 'Myth today', which is some kind of theory of myth, I think is one of the basic work for studying of the Culture.
Dec 08, 2018Steven Godin rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: philosophy, france, non-fiction, essays, favourites
The innovative essays covered in Mythologies by French semiotician and critic Barthes examines everything from mass culture, its ads and hidden or disguised messages, its icons and politics, its desperate speed in the mid-1950s, and even steak & chips! With some exceptions, these are delectable bite-sized pieces, that for the most part cover just a few pages each.
The style of Mythologies, which strikes one at first as being highly poetic and idiosyncratic, later reveals a quasi-technical use
Jun 15, 2018Michael rated it liked it
A collection of short essays on pop culture, politics, and media, Barthes’s Mythologies dissects the cherished myths of the bourgeoisie that governed the daily life of France in the 1950s. Across fifty-four fast-moving essays, Barthes throws together a hodgepodge of trivial and topical subjects typically ignored by past intellectuals: French wrestling, children’s toys, the Tour de France, astrology, and labor strikes are only a few of his many interests. Barthes scrutinizes the social assumption..more
I am not a huge critical lit reader but there is something so enjoyable about Barthes' books or essays. I like the way he writes about an everyday object or subject matter - and just tears into it like a very curious scientist. 'Mythologies' is one of his more well-known titles and rightfully so. Good writer and I think he's a great reader as well.
Nov 09, 2009Ellen rated it really liked it
In high school, I used to attend the wrestling meets. I'm not sure why. I hated spectator sports, having endured a brief period of sullen cheerleading where I found myself unable to whip up a frenzy over first downs or sis-boom-bah on command.
Among the high school wrestlers I watched, there were some who elicited greater and lesser degrees of sympathy or repugnance, while one--though otherwise an inarticulate hulk--was transformed on the mat into a figure of grace, performing pins swiftly and cl
Mythologies (1957) was recommended to me as a must-read for brand builders. Who better (or more fun) to read when boning up on brand strategy and semiotics than Roland Barthes? Each of Barthes’s very brief and highly entertaining essays demonstrates his point of view and method as a mythologist--a sarcastic bastard with the insight to look a hole right through you.
According to Barthes, a mythologist is (not just an irreverent, cultural jester, but) an individual who recognizes a cultural myth, s
Nov 29, 2018Lauren rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: translated-works, philosophy, culture, essays, audiobooks, hoopla-rentals
Published as magazine articles/essays between 1956 and 1957, these essays are a slice of life in mid-century French culture, ideaology, and politics. Barthes topics range from popular material culture, wrestling, advertising, wine, tourism, astrology and many other things in these 56 essays. Some topics may be lost on modern readers (they certainly were on me as I don't know much about this era) but at three or four pages in length, the reader can easily marvel at his writing and the translation..more
Jul 19, 2017Khashayar Mohammadi rated it really liked it
I feel this book would have had a much stronger effect on me, if I was somewhat acquainted with the bulk of its subject matter.
Since the majority of the chapters centered around prominent figures in French popular culture of the 1950s, the utter lack of information on such subjects by the modern reader thoroughly undermines any criticism; BUT, put in the context of its times, its a remarkable book which is still shockingly relevant
May 25, 2018Vivian rated it liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: theory, library, art, 2018-odyssey, non-fiction
There are times when I realize that I can be very lazy in my reading, and this book is the slap that reminded me.
I wish I had started with the second section first, Myth Today because it was an excellent review of semiotics, which I have minimal understanding of and what I knew was dusty and the terminology did not come easily or quickly. By the end of the essays I was skating along, but it is not speedy reading per se.
I feel like this book hasn't aged well. The ideas are still valid, but beca
Mar 21, 2008Melissa Rudder rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: Steve, Tim, and anyone interested in theory and rhetoric
I only had to read half of Roland Barthes' Mythologies for my Critical Theory class, but I was so engrossed that I set aside George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones (you'll understand how impressive that is if I ever get to that review) and spent a day of my spring break reading the whole thing. In Mythologies, Barthes, a theorist I previously (and less amiably) met during my Media and Rhetoric class, does a semiotic reading of different aspects of society in order to identify the ideological belie..more
Jan 21, 2013David rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Barthes' most famous contribution to the semiotics school of structuralism, post-structuralism: though not his most-read according to GoodReads (an accolade reserved for Camera Lucida). While I love all of the Barthes that I have read, I think this should be required reading somewhere (the first part, anyway). Barthes is brilliant; his eyes seem always turned to the world as it is, and yet remain mindful of the world as it seems: that is the premise of Mythologies. Intentionally or unintentional..more
In high school we used to do 'language analysis' as part of our English class. You'd get given some terrible article from the Herald Sun or an obscure blog and tease out how they 'used language to persuade' (eg: in his article 'Destroy the Homeless' Andrew Bolt uses a sarcastic tone to reinforce his contention that homeless people must be destroyed). Barthes, judging by the quality of his analyses in the first half of this book, would do these very well. He's somewhat of a magician in his abilit..more
Jun 14, 2011Hadrian rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: essays, society-culture-anthropology-etc, philosophy, nonfiction, french
Brand new translation!
This edition is in two parts - the first being a series of some fifty or so short essays on certain events or things, and their symbolic/semiotic meanings. Everything from wrestling to Greta Garbo to margarine to a populist conservative who supported Vichy France and reminds me of the fringes of the Tea Party.
My favorites are the essays on Wrestling - it is a story, more so than a physical competition, and Toys - which directly shape a child's occupations and thoughts. Eve
Sep 18, 2014Paul rated it liked it · review of another edition
This is a great, thought-provoking set of essays that suffers from age, despite the lasting relevance of its core arguments. My main gripe was that Barthes' method of choosing bits of contemporary pop culture to illustrate his arguments is of course destined to become dated, and so a few of the chapters when over my head. I'm just not familiar with Chaplin or the Dominici Trial, and I don't know who or what the Abbé Pierre is. However, the central arguments were easy to grasp despite this, and I..more
It is difficult to comment on this book without engaging in superlatives, but seriously, this collection of vignettes is so fabulous, and so enjoyable, it truly falls within that must read category of books that are truly necessary. And by 'necessary' I mean truly eye opening about our modern existence, and how it isn't really 'modern', for we live, even today, in a world of 'mythologies' not that different from the ancient Greeks and Romans.
The first essay in the volume is everyone's favorite,
I wonder sometimes what it must be like to have been born before the simulacrum became a matter of fact, instead of 1985. What was it like to read Roland Barthes, Umberto Eco, or Guy Debord before Ronald Reagan became president, Arnold Schwarzenegger became governor and the world was recreated in a manmade archipelago off the coast of Dubai? I have no idea. Roland Barthes is a tremendous writer but this book feels too precious, too quaint; serious conversations about the petite bourgeoise just f..more
Apr 24, 2019PS rated it really liked it · review of another edition
A favourite from my undergrad that I had to revisit recently for a paper.
My advice is to read this book backwards. Some of the short essays, including 'Wine and Milk,' 'Steak and Chips,' 'The Blue Guide,' and 'The Lost Continent,' are exemplary demonstrations of the ideas laid out in the long essay, 'Myth Today,' that concludes the book. There Barthes argues for a dense handful of concepts related to the signifier and the signified, noting especially the extent to which mythology tries to depict things properly categorized as 'historical' in a manner that we might ca..more
Mar 12, 2010J.I. added it
Oh enjoy the 3 page observations of myth in modern society. Relish how surprisingly difficult they can be to understand, but yet have something marvelous to ponder. Soon you will get to the second half, the essay 'Myth Today,' and it will hurt your brain reeeeeeal good. Barthes examines the power of myth, why it is so harmful, and how it works semiotically. The last 60 pages took me 5 hours to read but it was so insightful I sat struck when I had put the book down. This is not easy reading and i..more
Oct 02, 2014Blair rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: non-fiction, 1950s-release, lit-theory-course, essays, translated
While some of the essays collected in Mythologies are inevitably dated, their basic premise – the idea of cultural phenomena, everything from washing powder and cars to wrestling matches and the face of Greta Garbo, as 'modern myths' – remains both relevant and accessible. Culminating in the longer, linguistics-heavy essay 'Myth Today', the book is intellectually demanding, but it's also playful and even funny at times. A challenging and thought-provoking break from fiction.
Jan 15, 2019sologdin rated it it was ok
Essay collection, sometimes just vignettes in the first part, making quirky observations on various things, drawing from them their operative principles and enshrining same as generalized cultural mythology, which is laid out more specifically in the second part.
Professional wrestling, for instance, a “spectacle of excess” (15), is found to “derive its originality from all excesses which make it a spectacle and not a sport” (23)—“in America wrestling represents a sort of mythological fight betwe
Oct 03, 2016Hans rated it liked it
Had high expectations for this book and it didn't deliver. I've read far more fascinating treatises on Mythologies and the modern applications from Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung and shoot even Neil Gaiman and Alan Moore. While I did find some of the concepts in this book entertaining nothing really 'wowed' me. In fact to show you how much it impressed me my favorite part was when the author talks about the 'Mythology of French Professional Wrestling' (The French equivalent of American WWE) and how..more
Jan 08, 2016Sean rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: aesthetics, philosophy, essays, media, theory
Roland Barthes Plastic Pdf
'Mythologies' unveils the bric-à-brac of 20th-century Western popular culture—liquid detergent, Einstein, children's toys, science fiction, the visage of Greta Garbo, Parisian strip-teases—from its banal exterior to expose layers of meaning and metameaning, the semiotics underpinning modernity. Barthes' prose, bordering on the poetic, is suffused with an appropriate level of subtle, self-aware playfulness, rendering the work a more approachable starting point in the fields of cultural studies/th..more
This is a collection of essays--some great (Wrestling, Wine, Tour De France, The Writer on Vacation), some I found to be impenetrable (Neither/Nor Criticism)--each examining a cultural myth and generally exposing it (often as a control tactic of the bourgeois). This feels like the source or 'theory' from where 'They Live' comes from.
I'm ultimately not sure how I read this to learn about semiotics (I'm honestly not sure how much I'll take away and find applicable) or if I wanted to make some sma
Apr 10, 2018Griffin Alexander rated it really liked it

Roland Barthes Mythologies

'We pick up Derrida's Of Grammatology when we want to wrestle with the idea of play. We pick up Barthes' Mythologies when we want to play with the idea of wrestling.'
—Samuel R. Delany
Feb 25, 2018James F rated it liked it · review of another edition
Roland Barthes' Mythologies is a book I should have read long ago when I was college, if for no other reason than (as I recognized in reading it) that there are echoes of its ideas and terminology in so many other things I've read, especially in books or articles about literature. The book is divided into two parts; the first part is a collection of the author's articles, mainly from les Lettres Nouvelles, exposing various 'myths' in everyday life and popular culture, while the second part is a..more
Jan 09, 2010Andrea rated it liked it
I loved one point made by Barthes, and one point only. So it got a three and not less, because it also had me raging.
I love the idea of myth as violence, the idea that it represents the stripping of a word or an image of all of its historical and political content, replacing it with an ideal. And in the world of today, it is almost always a political or marketing kind of ideal. Aesop, mythmaker extraordinaire, ensures through his stories that there is no longer a living, breathing, hungry lion,
a wonderful book..
although it didn't end up going where i thought it would..
barthes envisions the process of myth as a pernicious tool of the dominant power structure for the covert distortion of history..
his analysis centers on the notion that myth is used in the modern world to 'naturalize' concepts that the bourgeois power base wants the masses to believe 'go without saying' or are seemingly essential parts of human existence..
i'd never really thought of myth in this light..
barthes argum
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Roland Gérard Barthes was a French literary theorist, philosopher, linguist, critic, and semiotician. Barthes' ideas explored a diverse range of fields and he influenced the development of schools of theory including structuralism, semiotics, social theory, design theory, anthropology, and post-structuralism.
“We know that the war against intelligence is always waged in the name of common sense.” — 50 likes
“What I claim is to live to the full the contradiction of my time, which may well make sarcasm the condition of truth.” — 27 likes
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Roland Gérard Barthes

12 November 1915
Died26 March 1980 (aged 64)
Paris, France
EducationUniversity of Paris(B.A., M.A.)
Era20th-century philosophy
RegionWestern philosophy
SchoolContinental philosophy
Literary theory
Notable ideas
Structural analysis of narratives[1]
Death of the author
Writing degree zero
Effect of reality
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Roland Gérard Barthes (/bɑːrt/;[3]French: [ʁɔlɑ̃ baʁt]; 12 November 1915 – 26 March 1980[4]) was a Frenchliterary theorist, philosopher, critic, and semiotician. Barthes' ideas explored a diverse range of fields and he influenced the development of many schools of theory, including structuralism, semiotics, social theory, design theory, anthropology, and post-structuralism.

General concepts
  • Connotation / Denotation
  • Encoding / Decoding
Related topics
  • 1Biography
  • 2Writings and ideas
  • 4Key terms
  • 7Bibliography


Early life[edit]

Roland Barthes was born on 12 November in the town of Cherbourg in Normandy. His father, naval officer Louis Barthes, was killed in a battle during World War I in the North Sea before Barthes' first birthday. His mother, Henriette Barthes, and his aunt and grandmother raised him in the village of Urt and the city of Bayonne. When Barthes was eleven, his family moved to Paris, though his attachment to his provincial roots would remain strong throughout his life.

Student years[edit]

Barthes showed great promise as a student and spent the period from 1935 to 1939 at the Sorbonne, where he earned a licence in classical literature. He was plagued by ill health throughout this period, suffering from tuberculosis, which often had to be treated in the isolation of sanatoria.[5] His repeated physical breakdowns disrupted his academic career, affecting his studies and his ability to take qualifying examinations. They also exempted him from military service during World War II.

His life from 1939 to 1948 was largely spent obtaining a licence in grammar and philology, publishing his first papers, taking part in a medical study, and continuing to struggle with his health. He received a diplôme d'études supérieures [fr] (roughly equivalent to an MA by thesis) from the University of Paris in 1941 for his work in Greek tragedy.[6]

Early academic career[edit]

In 1948, he returned to purely academic work, gaining numerous short-term positions at institutes in France, Romania, and Egypt. During this time, he contributed to the leftist Parisian paper Combat, out of which grew his first full-length work, Writing Degree Zero (1953).

In 1952, Barthes settled at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, where he studied lexicology and sociology. During his seven-year period there, he began to write a popular series of bi-monthly essays for the magazine Les Lettres Nouvelles, in which he dismantled myths of popular culture (gathered in the Mythologies collection that was published in 1957). Consisting of fifty-four short essays, mostly written between 1954–1956, Mythologies were acute reflections of French popular culture ranging from an analysis on soap detergents to a dissection of popular wrestling.[7] Knowing little English, Barthes taught at Middlebury College in 1957 and befriended the future English translator of much of his work, Richard Howard, that summer in New York City.[8]

Rise to prominence[edit]

Barthes spent the early 1960s exploring the fields of semiology and structuralism, chairing various faculty positions around France, and continuing to produce more full-length studies. Many of his works challenged traditional academic views of literary criticism and of renowned figures of literature. His unorthodox thinking led to a conflict with a well-known Sorbonne professor of literature, Raymond Picard, who attacked the French New Criticism (a label that he inaccurately applied to Barthes) for its obscurity and lack of respect towards France's literary roots. Barthes' rebuttal in Criticism and Truth (1966) accused the old, bourgeois criticism of a lack of concern with the finer points of language and of selective ignorance towards challenging theories, such as Marxism.

By the late 1960s, Barthes had established a reputation for himself. He traveled to the US and Japan, delivering a presentation at Johns Hopkins University. During this time, he wrote his best-known work[according to whom?], the 1967 essay 'The Death of the Author,' which, in light of the growing influence of Jacques Derrida's deconstruction, would prove to be a transitional piece in its investigation of the logical ends of structuralist thought.

Mature critical work[edit]

Barthes continued to contribute with Philippe Sollers to the avant-garde literary magazine Tel Quel, which was developing similar kinds of theoretical inquiry to that pursued in Barthes' writings. In 1970, Barthes produced what many consider to be his most prodigious work,[who?] the dense, critical reading of Balzac's Sarrasine entitled S/Z. Throughout the 1970s, Barthes continued to develop his literary criticism; he developed new ideals of textuality and novelistic neutrality. In 1971, he served as visiting professor at the University of Geneva.

In 1975 he wrote an autobiography titled Roland Barthes and in 1977 he was elected to the chair of Sémiologie Littéraire at the Collège de France. In the same year, his mother, Henriette Barthes, to whom he had been devoted, died, aged 85. They had lived together for 60 years. The loss of the woman who had raised and cared for him was a serious blow to Barthes. His last major work, Camera Lucida, is partly an essay about the nature of photography and partly a meditation on photographs of his mother. The book contains many reproductions of photographs, though none of them are of Henriette.


On 25 February 1980, Roland Barthes was knocked down by a laundry van while walking home through the streets of Paris. One month later, on March 26,[9] he died from the chest injuries he sustained in that collision.[10]

Writings and ideas[edit]

Early thought[edit]

Barthes' earliest ideas reacted to the trend of existentialist philosophy that was prominent in France during the 1940s, specifically to the figurehead of existentialism, Jean-Paul Sartre. Sartre's What Is Literature? (1947) expresses a disenchantment both with established forms of writing and more experimental, avant-garde forms, which he feels alienate readers. Barthes’ response was to try to discover that which may be considered unique and original in writing. In Writing Degree Zero (1953), Barthes argues that conventions inform both language and style, rendering neither purely creative. Instead, form, or what Barthes calls 'writing' (the specific way an individual chooses to manipulate conventions of style for a desired effect), is the unique and creative act. A writer's form is vulnerable to becoming a convention, however, once it has been made available to the public. This means that creativity is an ongoing process of continual change and reaction.

In Michelet, a critical analysis of the French historian Jules Michelet, Barthes developed these notions, applying them to a broader range of fields. He argued that Michelet's views of history and society are obviously flawed. In studying his writings, he continued, one should not seek to learn from Michelet's claims; rather, one should maintain a critical distance and learn from his errors, since understanding how and why his thinking is flawed will show more about his period of history than his own observations. Similarly, Barthes felt that avant-garde writing should be praised for its maintenance of just such a distance between its audience and itself. In presenting an obvious artificiality rather than making claims to great subjective truths, Barthes argued, avant-garde writers ensure that their audiences maintain an objective perspective. Free venom games to play. In this sense, Barthes believed that art should be critical and should interrogate the world, rather than seek to explain it, as Michelet had done.

Semiotics and myth[edit]

Barthes' many monthly contributions, collected in his Mythologies (1957), frequently interrogated specific cultural materials in order to expose how bourgeois society asserted its values through them. For example, the portrayal of wine in French society as a robust and healthy habit is a bourgeois ideal that is contradicted by certain realities (i.e., that wine can be unhealthy and inebriating). He found semiotics, the study of signs, useful in these interrogations. Barthes explained that these bourgeois cultural myths were 'second-order signs,' or 'connotations.' A picture of a full, dark bottle is a signifier that relates to a specific signified: a fermented, alcoholic beverage. However, the bourgeoisie relate it to a new signified: the idea of healthy, robust, relaxing experience. Motivations for such manipulations vary, from a desire to sell products to a simple desire to maintain the status quo. These insights brought Barthes in line with similar Marxist theory. Barthes used the term 'myth' while analyzing the popular, consumer culture of post-war France in order to reveal that 'objects were organized into meaningful relationships via narratives that expressed collective cultural values.'[7]

In The Fashion System Barthes showed how this adulteration of signs could easily be translated into words. In this work he explained how in the fashion world any word could be loaded with idealistic bourgeois emphasis. Thus, if popular fashion says that a ‘blouse’ is ideal for a certain situation or ensemble, this idea is immediately naturalized and accepted as truth, even though the actual sign could just as easily be interchangeable with ‘skirt’, ‘vest’ or any number of combinations. In the end Barthes' Mythologies became absorbed into bourgeois culture, as he found many third parties asking him to comment on a certain cultural phenomenon, being interested in his control over his readership. This turn of events caused him to question the overall utility of demystifying culture for the masses, thinking it might be a fruitless attempt, and drove him deeper in his search for individualistic meaning in art.

Structuralism and its limits[edit]

As Barthes' work with structuralism began to flourish around the time of his debates with Picard, his investigation of structure focused on revealing the importance of language in writing, which he felt was overlooked by old criticism. Barthes' 'Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narrative'[11] is concerned with examining the correspondence between the structure of a sentence and that of a larger narrative, thus allowing narrative to be viewed along linguistic lines. Barthes split this work into three hierarchical levels: ‘functions’, ‘actions’ and ‘narrative’. ‘Functions’ are the elementary pieces of a work, such as a single descriptive word that can be used to identify a character. That character would be an ‘action’, and consequently one of the elements that make up the narrative. Barthes was able to use these distinctions to evaluate how certain key ‘functions’ work in forming characters. For example, key words like ‘dark’, ‘mysterious’ and ‘odd’, when integrated together, formulate a specific kind of character or ‘action’. By breaking down the work into such fundamental distinctions Barthes was able to judge the degree of realism given functions have in forming their actions and consequently with what authenticity a narrative can be said to reflect on reality. Thus, his structuralist theorizing became another exercise in his ongoing attempts to dissect and expose the misleading mechanisms of bourgeois culture.

While Barthes found structuralism to be a useful tool and believed that discourse of literature could be formalized, he did not believe it could become a strict scientific endeavour. In the late 1960s, radical movements were taking place in literary criticism. The post-structuralist movement and the deconstructionism of Jacques Derrida were testing the bounds of the structuralist theory that Barthes' work exemplified. Derrida identified the flaw of structuralism as its reliance on a transcendental signifier; a symbol of constant, universal meaning would be essential as an orienting point in such a closed off system. This is to say that without some regular standard of measurement, a system of criticism that references nothing outside of the actual work itself could never prove useful. But since there are no symbols of constant and universal significance, the entire premise of structuralism as a means of evaluating writing (or anything) is hollow.[citation needed]


Such thought led Barthes to consider the limitations not just of signs and symbols, but also of Western culture's dependency on beliefs of constancy and ultimate standards. He travelled to Japan in 1966 where he wrote Empire of Signs (published in 1970), a meditation on Japanese culture's contentment in the absence of a search for a transcendental signifier. He notes that in Japan there is no emphasis on a great focus point by which to judge all other standards, describing the centre of Tokyo, the Emperor's Palace, as not a great overbearing entity, but a silent and nondescript presence, avoided and unconsidered. As such, Barthes reflects on the ability of signs in Japan to exist for their own merit, retaining only the significance naturally imbued by their signifiers. Such a society contrasts greatly to the one he dissected in Mythologies, which was revealed to be always asserting a greater, more complex significance on top of the natural one.

In the wake of this trip Barthes wrote what is largely considered to be his best-known work, the essay 'The Death of the Author' (1968). Barthes saw the notion of the author, or authorial authority, in the criticism of literary text as the forced projection of an ultimate meaning of the text. By imagining an ultimate intended meaning of a piece of literature one could infer an ultimate explanation for it. But Barthes points out that the great proliferation of meaning in language and the unknowable state of the author's mind makes any such ultimate realization impossible. As such, the whole notion of the ‘knowable text’ acts as little more than another delusion of Western bourgeois culture. Indeed, the idea of giving a book or poem an ultimate end coincides with the notion of making it consumable, something that can be used up and replaced in a capitalist market. 'The Death of the Author' is considered to be a post-structuralist work,[12] since it moves past the conventions of trying to quantify literature, but others see it as more of a transitional phase for Barthes in his continuing effort to find significance in culture outside of the bourgeois norms[citation needed]. Indeed, the notion of the author being irrelevant was already a factor of structuralist thinking.

Textuality and S/Z[edit]

Since Barthes contends that there can be no originating anchor of meaning in the possible intentions of the author, he considers what other sources of meaning or significance can be found in literature. He concludes that since meaning can't come from the author, it must be actively created by the reader through a process of textual analysis. In his S/Z (1970), Barthes applies this notion in an analysis of a novella by Balzac called Sarrasine. The end result was a reading that established five major codes for determining various kinds of significance, with numerous lexias throughout the text – a 'lexia' here being defined as a unit of the text chosen arbitrarily (to remain methodologically unbiased as possible) for further analysis.[13] The codes led him to define the story as having a capacity for plurality of meaning, limited by its dependence upon strictly sequential elements (such as a definite timeline that has to be followed by the reader and thus restricts their freedom of analysis). From this project Barthes concludes that an ideal text is one that is reversible, or open to the greatest variety of independent interpretations and not restrictive in meaning. A text can be reversible by avoiding the restrictive devices that Sarrasine suffered from such as strict timelines and exact definitions of events. He describes this as the difference between the writerly text, in which the reader is active in a creative process, and a readerly text in which they are restricted to just reading. The project helped Barthes identify what it was he sought in literature: an openness for interpretation.

Neutral and novelistic writing[edit]

In the late 1970s Barthes was increasingly concerned with the conflict of two types of language: that of popular culture, which he saw as limiting and pigeonholing in its titles and descriptions, and neutral, which he saw as open and noncommittal. He called these two conflicting modes the Doxa and the Para-doxa. While Barthes had shared sympathies with Marxist thought in the past (or at least parallel criticisms), he felt that, despite its anti-ideological stance, Marxist theory was just as guilty of using violent language with assertive meanings, as was bourgeois literature. In this way they were both Doxa and both culturally assimilating. As a reaction to this he wrote The Pleasure of the Text (1975), a study that focused on a subject matter he felt was equally outside the realm of both conservative society and militant leftist thinking: hedonism. By writing about a subject that was rejected by both social extremes of thought, Barthes felt he could avoid the dangers of the limiting language of the Doxa. The theory he developed out of this focus claimed that, while reading for pleasure is a kind of social act, through which the reader exposes him/herself to the ideas of the writer, the final cathartic climax of this pleasurable reading, which he termed the bliss in reading or jouissance, is a point in which one becomes lost within the text. This loss of self within the text or immersion in the text, signifies a final impact of reading that is experienced outside the social realm and free from the influence of culturally associative language and is thus neutral with regard to social progress.

Despite this newest theory of reading, Barthes remained concerned with the difficulty of achieving truly neutral writing, which required an avoidance of any labels that might carry an implied meaning or identity towards a given object. Even carefully crafted neutral writing could be taken in an assertive context through the incidental use of a word with a loaded social context. Barthes felt his past works, like Mythologies, had suffered from this. He became interested in finding the best method for creating neutral writing, and he decided to try to create a novelistic form of rhetoric that would not seek to impose its meaning on the reader. One product of this endeavor was A Lover's Discourse: Fragments in 1977, in which he presents the fictionalized reflections of a lover seeking to identify and be identified by an anonymous amorous other. The unrequited lover's search for signs by which to show and receive love makes evident illusory myths involved in such a pursuit. The lover's attempts to assert himself into a false, ideal reality is involved in a delusion that exposes the contradictory logic inherent in such a search. Yet at the same time the novelistic character is a sympathetic one, and is thus open not just to criticism but also understanding from the reader. The end result is one that challenges the reader's views of social constructs of love, without trying to assert any definitive theory of meaning.

Photography and Henriette Barthes[edit]

Throughout his career, Barthes had an interest in photography and its potential to communicate actual events. Many of his monthly myth articles in the 50s had attempted to show how a photographic image could represent implied meanings and thus be used by bourgeois culture to infer 'naturalistic truths'. But he still considered the photograph to have a unique potential for presenting a completely real representation of the world. When his mother, Henriette Barthes, died in 1977 he began writing Camera Lucida as an attempt to explain the unique significance a picture of her as a child carried for him. Reflecting on the relationship between the obvious symbolic meaning of a photograph (which he called the studium) and that which is purely personal and dependent on the individual, that which ‘pierces the viewer’ (which he called the punctum), Barthes was troubled by the fact that such distinctions collapse when personal significance is communicated to others and can have its symbolic logic rationalized. Barthes found the solution to this fine line of personal meaning in the form of his mother's picture. Barthes explained that a picture creates a falseness in the illusion of ‘what is’, where ‘what was’ would be a more accurate description. As had been made physical through Henriette Barthes' death, her childhood photograph is evidence of ‘what has ceased to be’. Instead of making reality solid, it reminds us of the world's ever changing nature. Because of this there is something uniquely personal contained in the photograph of Barthes' mother that cannot be removed from his subjective state: the recurrent feeling of loss experienced whenever he looks at it. As one of his final works before his death, Camera Lucida was both an ongoing reflection on the complicated relations between subjectivity, meaning and cultural society as well as a touching dedication to his mother and description of the depth of his grief.

Posthumous publications[edit]

A posthumous collection of essays was published in 1987 by François Wahl, Incidents.[14] It contains fragments from his journals: his Soirées de Paris (a 1979 extract from his erotic diary of life in Paris); an earlier diary he kept (his erotic encounters with boys in Morocco); and Light of the Sud Ouest (his childhood memories of rural French life). In November 2007, Yale University Press published a new translation into English (by Richard Howard) of Barthes' little known work What is Sport. This work bears a considerable resemblance to Mythologies and was originally commissioned by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation as the text for a documentary film directed by Hubert Aquin.

In February 2009, Éditions du Seuil published Journal de deuil (Journal of Mourning), based on Barthes' files written from 26 November 1977 (the day following his mother's death) up to 15 September 1979, intimate notes on his terrible loss:

The (awesome but not painful) idea that she had not been everything to me. Otherwise I would never have written a work. Since my taking care of her for six months long, she actually had become everything for me, and I totally forgot of ever have written anything at all. I was nothing more than hopelessly hers. Before that she had made herself transparent so that I could write.. Mixing-up of roles. For months long I had been her mother. I felt like I had lost a daughter.

He grieved his mother's death for the rest of his life: 'Do not say mourning. It's too psychoanalytic. I'm not in mourning. I'm suffering.' and 'In the corner of my room where she had been bedridden, where she had died and where I now sleep, in the wall where her headboard had stood against I hanged an icon—not out of faith. And I always put some flowers on a table. I do not wish to travel anymore so that I may stay here and prevent the flowers from withering away.'

In 2012 the book Travels in China was published. It consists of his notes from a three-week trip to China he undertook with a group from the literary journal Tel Quel in 1974. The experience left him somewhat disappointed, as he found China 'not at all exotic, not at all disorienting'.[15]


Roland Barthes' incisive criticism contributed to the development of theoretical schools such as structuralism, semiotics, and post-structuralism. While his influence is mainly found in these theoretical fields with which his work brought him into contact, it is also felt in every field concerned with the representation of information and models of communication, including computers, photography, music, and literature. One consequence of Barthes' breadth of focus is that his legacy includes no following of thinkers dedicated to modeling themselves after him. The fact that Barthes’ work was ever adapting and refuting notions of stability and constancy means there is no canon of thought within his theory to model one's thoughts upon, and thus no 'Barthesism'.

Key terms[edit]

Readerly and writerly are terms Barthes employs both to delineate one type of literature from another and to implicitly interrogate ways of reading, like positive or negative habits the modern reader brings into one's experience with the text itself. These terms are most explicitly fleshed out in S/Z, while the essay 'From Work to Text', from Image—Music—Text (1977), provides an analogous parallel look at the active–passive and postmodern–modern ways of interacting with a text.

Readerly text[edit]

A text that makes no requirement of the reader to 'write' or 'produce' their own meanings. The reader may passively locate 'ready-made' meaning. Barthes writes that these sorts of texts are 'controlled by the principle of non-contradiction' (156), that is, they do not disturb the 'common sense,' or 'Doxa,' of the surrounding culture. The 'readerly texts,' moreover, 'are products [that] make up the enormous mass of our literature' (5). Within this category, there is a spectrum of 'replete literature,' which comprises 'any classic (readerly) texts' that work 'like a cupboard where meanings are shelved, stacked, [and] safeguarded' (200).[16]

Writerly text[edit]

A text that aspires to the proper goal of literature and criticism: '.. to make the reader no longer a consumer but a producer of the text' (4). Writerly texts and ways of reading constitute, in short, an active rather than passive way of interacting with a culture and its texts. A culture and its texts, Barthes writes, should never be accepted in their given forms and traditions. As opposed to the 'readerly texts' as 'product,' the 'writerly text is ourselves writing, before the infinite play of the world is traversed, intersected, stopped, plasticized by some singular system (Ideology, Genus, Criticism) which reduces the plurality of entrances, the opening of networks, the infinity of languages' (5). Thus reading becomes for Barthes 'not a parasitical act, the reactive complement of a writing', but rather a 'form of work' (10).

The Author and the scriptor[edit]

Author and scriptor are terms Barthes uses to describe different ways of thinking about the creators of texts. 'The author' is our traditional concept of the lone genius creating a work of literature or other piece of writing by the powers of his/her original imagination. For Barthes, such a figure is no longer viable. The insights offered by an array of modern thought, including the insights of Surrealism, have rendered the term obsolete. In place of the author, the modern world presents us with a figure Barthes calls the 'scriptor,' whose only power is to combine pre-existing texts in new ways. Barthes believes that all writing draws on previous texts, norms, and conventions, and that these are the things to which we must turn to understand a text. As a way of asserting the relative unimportance of the writer's biography compared to these textual and generic conventions, Barthes says that the scriptor has no past, but is born with the text. He also argues that, in the absence of the idea of an 'author-God' to control the meaning of a work, interpretive horizons are opened up considerably for the active reader. As Barthes puts it, 'the death of the author is the birth of the reader.'[17]


In 1964, Barthes wrote 'The Last Happy Writer' ('Le dernier des écrivains heureux' in Essais critiques), the title of which refers to Voltaire. In the essay he commented on the problems of the modern thinker after discovering the relativism in thought and philosophy, discrediting previous philosophers who avoided this difficulty. Disagreeing roundly with Barthes' description of Voltaire, Daniel Gordon, the translator and editor of Candide (The Bedford Series in History and Culture), wrote that 'never has one brilliant writer so thoroughly misunderstood another.'[citation needed]

The sinologist Simon Leys, in a review of Barthes' diary of a trip to China during the Cultural Revolution, disparages Barthes for his seeming indifference to the situation of the Chinese people, and says that Barthes 'has contrived—amazingly—to bestow an entirely new dignity upon the age-old activity, so long unjustly disparaged, of saying nothing at great length.'[18]

In popular culture[edit]

Barthes' A Lover's Discourse: Fragments was the inspiration for the name of 1980s new wave duo The Lover Speaks. Lego mindstorms controller app.

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Jeffrey Eugenides' The Marriage Plot draws out excerpts from Barthes' A Lover's Discourse: Fragments as a way to depict the unique intricacies of love that one of the main characters, Madeleine Hanna, experiences throughout the novel.[19]

In the film Birdman (2014) by Alejandro González Iñárritu, a journalist quotes to the protagonist Riggan Thompson an extract from Mythologies: 'The cultural work done in the past by gods and epic sagas is now done by laundry-detergent commercials and comic-strip characters'.[20]

In the film The Truth About Cats & Dogs (1996) by Michael Lehmann, Brian is reading an extract from Camera Lucida over the phone to a woman whom he thinks to be beautiful but who is her more intellectual and less physically desirable friend.[21]

In the film Elegy, based on Philip Roth's novel The Dying Animal, the character of Consuela (played by Penélope Cruz) is first depicted in the film carrying a copy of Barthes' The Pleasure of the Text on the campus of the university where she is a student.[22]

Laurent Binet's novel The 7th Function of Language is based on the premise that Barthes was not merely accidentally hit by a van but that he was instead murdered, as part of a conspiracy to acquire a document known as the 'Seventh Function of Language'.[23]



  • (1953) Le degré zéro de l'écriture
  • (1954) Michelet par lui-même
  • (1957) Mythologies, Seuil: Paris.
  • (1963) Sur Racine, Editions du Seuil: Paris
  • (1964) Éléments de sémiologie, Communications 4, Seuil: Paris.
  • (1970) L'Empire des signes, Skira: Paris.
  • (1970) S/Z, Seuil: Paris.
  • (1971) Sade, Fourier, Loyola, Editions du Seuil: Paris.
  • (1972) Le Degré zéro de l'écriture suivi de Nouveaux essais critiques, Editions du Seuil: Paris.
  • (1973) Le plaisir du texte, Editions du Seuil: Paris.
  • (1975) Roland Barthes, Éditions du Seuil: Paris
  • (1977) Poétique du récit, Editions du Seuil: Paris.
  • (1977) A Lover's Discourse: Fragments, Paris
  • (1978) Préface, La Parole Intermédiaire, F. Flahault, Seuil: Paris
  • (1980) Recherche de Proust, Editions du Seuil: Paris.
  • (1980) La chambre claire: note sur la photographie. [Paris]: Cahiers du cinéma: Gallimard: Le Seuil, 1980.
  • (1981) Essais critiques, Editions du Seuil: Paris.
  • (1982) Littérature et réalité, Editions du Seuil: Paris.
  • (1988) Michelet, Editions du Seuil: Paris.
  • (1993) Œuvres complètes, Editions du Seuil: Paris.
  • (2009) Carnets du voyage en Chine, Christian Bourgeois: Paris.[24]
  • (2009) Journal de deuil, Editions du Seuil/IMEC: Paris.[24]

Translations to English[edit]

  • The Fashion System (1967), University of California Press: Berkeley.
  • Writing Degree Zero (1968), Hill and Wang: New York. ISBN0-374-52139-5
  • Elements of Semiology (1968), Hill and Wang: New York.
  • Mythologies (1972), Hill and Wang: New York.
  • The Pleasure of the Text (1975), Hill and Wang: New York.
  • S/Z: An Essay (1975), Hill and Wang: New York. ISBN0-374-52167-0
  • Sade, Fourier, Loyola (1976), Farrar, Straus and Giroux: New York.
  • Image—Music—Text (1977), Hill and Wang: New York.
  • Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes (1977) (In this so-called autobiography, Barthes interrogates himself as a text.)
  • The Eiffel Tower and other Mythologies (1979), University of California Press: Berkeley.
  • Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography (1981), Hill and Wang: New York.
  • Critical Essays (1972), Northwestern University Press
  • A Barthes Reader (1982), Hill and Wang: New York.
  • Empire of Signs (1983), Hill and Wang: New York.
  • The Grain of the Voice: Interviews 1962–1980 (1985), Jonathan Cape: London.
  • The Responsibility of Forms: Critical Essays on Music, Art, and Representation (1985), Basil Blackwell: Oxford.
  • The Rustle of Language (1986), B. Blackwell: Oxford.
  • Criticism and Truth (1987), The Athlone Pr.: London.
  • Michelet (1987), B.Blackwell: Oxford.
  • Writer Sollers (1987), University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis.
  • Roland Barthes (1988), Macmillan Pr.: London.
  • A Lover's Discourse: Fragments (1990), Penguin Books: London.
  • New Critical Essays (1990), University of California Press: Berkeley.
  • Incidents (1992), University of California Press: Berkeley.
  • On Racine (1992), University of California Press: Berkeley
  • The Semiotic Challenge (1994), University of California Press: Berkeley.
  • The Neutral: Lecture Course at the Collège de France (1977–1978) (2005), Columbia University Press: New York.
  • The Language of Fashion (2006), Power Publications: Sydney.
  • What Is Sport? (2007), Yale University Press: London and New Haven. ISBN978-0-300-11604-5
  • Mourning Diary (2010), Hill and Wang: New York. ISBN978-0-8090-6233-1[25]
  • The Preparation of the Novel: Lecture Courses and Seminars at the Collège de France (1978–1979 and 1979–1980) (2011), Columbia University Press: New York.
  • How to Live Together: Notes for a Lecture Course and Seminar at the Collège de France (1976–1977) (2013), Columbia University Press: New York.

Roland Barthes Pdf


  1. ^Roland Barthes, 'Introduction à l'analyse structurale des récits', Communications, 8(1), 1966, pp. 1–27, translated as 'Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narratives', in: Roland Barthes, Image–Music–Text, essays selected and translated by Stephen Heath, New York 1977, pp. 79–124.
  2. ^Réda Bensmaïa, The Barthes Effect: The Essay as Reflective Text, University of Minnesota Press, 1987, p. 112 n. 74: 'On all these pages [of Le plaisir du texte], Barthes refers directly to Nietzsche whom he quotes, mentions, or 'translates' freely.'
  3. ^'Barthes'. Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.
  4. ^McQuillan, Martin (1 March 2011). Roland Barthes. Macmillan International Higher Education. pp. 10, 29. ISBN9780230343894. Retrieved 24 March 2018.
  5. ^Ben Rogers (8 January 1995). 'ROLAND BARTHES: A Biography by Louis-Jean Calvet'. The Independent.
  6. ^Alan D. Schrift, Twentieth-Century French Philosophy: Key Themes and Thinkers, John Wiley & Sons, Feb 4, 2009, p. 94.
  7. ^ abHuppatz, D.J. (2011). 'Roland Barthes, Mythologies'. Design and Culture. 3 (1).
  8. ^Richard Howard. 'Remembering Roland Barthes,' The Nation (November 20, 1982): 'Mutual friends brought us together in 1957. He came to my door in the summer of that year, disconcerted by his classes at Middlebury (teaching students unaccustomed to a visitor with no English to speak of) and bearing, by way of introduction, a fresh-printed copy of Mythologies. (Michelet and Writing Degree Zero had already been published in France, but he was not yet known in America—not even in most French departments. Middlebury was enterprising.)' Reprinted in Signs in Culture: Roland Barthes Today, edited by Steven Ungar and Betty R. McGraw, University of Iowa Press, 1989, p. 32 (ISBN0-877-45245-8).
  9. ^'Le plaisir des sens'. Le (in French). Retrieved 30 October 2016.
  10. ^J. Y. Smith (27 March 1980). 'Roland Barthes, French Writer, dies at 64'. The Washington Post.
  11. ^'An Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narrative'(PDF).
  12. ^Jay Clayton, Eric Rothstein, Influence and Intertextuality in Literary History, University of Wisconsin Press, 1991, p. 156.
  13. ^Barthes, Roland (1974). S/V. New York: Blackwell Publishing. p. 13. ISBN0631176071.
  14. ^Jonathan Culler, Barthes: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1983, p. 110
  15. ^Dora Zhang (23 June 2012). 'The Sideways Gaze: Roland Barthes' Travels in China'. Los Angeles Review of Books. Archived from the original on 14 November 2012.
  16. ^Barthes, Roland. S/Z: An Essay. Trans. Richard Miller. New York: Hill and Wang, 1974.
  17. ^Barthes, Roland. Image—Music—Text. Essays selected and translated by Stephen Heath. New York: Noonday, 1977.
  18. ^Leys, SimonThe Hall of Uselessness: Collected Essays, New York, New York Review Books, 2013.
  19. ^'The Euphoria of Influence: Jeffrey Eugenides's The Marriage Plot'. 10 November 2011. Archived from the original on 13 January 2013. Retrieved 29 December 2012.
  20. ^'7 Secrets of the 'Birdman' Labyrinth'. 10 October 2014.
  21. ^''.
  22. ^Manohla Dargis, 'Extracurricular Lessons for Student and Teacher,' review of Elegy, New York Times, August 8, 2008, accessed on 12-9-2015: Of the character of Consuela, Dargis writes, 'She was his student and ripe for the plucking, especially in the film, where she enters clutching Roland Barthes's 'Pleasure of the Text' to her lush bosom.'
  23. ^Laurent, Binet,. The 7th function of language. Taylor, Sam, 1970-. London, England. ISBN9781910701591. OCLC956750580.CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  24. ^ abMichael Wood (19 November 2009). 'Presence of Mind'. London Review of Books.
  25. ^Mourning Diary, ed. Nathalie Léger, trans. Richard Howard (Hill and Wang, 2010).

Further reading[edit]

  • Allen, Graham. Roland Barthes. London: Routledge, 2003
  • Réda Bensmaïa, The Barthes Effect: The Essay as Reflective Text, trans. Pat Fedkiew, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1987.
  • Luca Cian, 'A comparative analysis of print advertising applying the two main plastic semiotics schools: Barthes' and Greimas', Semiotica 190: 57–79, 2012.
  • Louis-Jean Calvet, Roland Barthes: A Biography, trans. Sarah Wykes, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994. ISBN0-253-34987-7 (This is a popular biography)
  • Jonathan Culler, Roland Barthes: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
  • Paul de Man, 'Roland Barthes and the Limits of Structuralism', in Romanticism and Contemporary Criticism, ed. E.S. Burt, Kevin Newmark, and Andrzej Warminski, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993.
  • Jacques Derrida, 'The Deaths of Roland Barthes,' in Psyche: Inventions of the Other, Vol. 1, ed. Peggy Kamuf and Elizabeth G. Rottenberg, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2007.
  • D.A. Miller, Bringing Out Roland Barthes, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992. (A highly personal collection of fragments, aimed at both mourning Barthes and illuminating his work in terms of a 'gay writing position.')
  • Marie Gil, Roland Barthes: Au lieu de la vie, Paris: Flammarion, 2012. (The first major academic biography [562 p.])
  • Michael Moriarty, Roland Barthes, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1991. (Explains various works of Roland Barthes)
  • Jean-Michel Rabate, ed., Writing the Image After Roland Barthes, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997.
  • Jean-Louis de Rambures, Interview with Roland Barthes in: 'Comment travaillent les écrivains', Paris: Flammarion, 1978
  • Mireille Ribiere, Roland Barthes, Ulverston: Humanities E-Books, 2008.
  • Susan Sontag, 'Remembering Barthes', in Under the Sign of Saturn, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1980.
  • Susan Sontag, 'Writing Itself: On Roland Barthes', introduction to Roland Barthes, A Barthes Reader, ed. Susan Sontag, New York: Hill and Wang, 1982.
  • Steven Ungar. Roland Barthes: Professor of Desire. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1983. ISBN9780803245518
  • George R. Wasserman. Roland Barthes. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1981.

External links[edit]

Wikiquote has quotations related to: Roland Barthes
  • 'Toys': Another excerpt from Mythologies
  • 'Roland Barthes' 'Comment vivre ensemble' ('How to live together'), Lectures at the Collège de France, 1977 and 'Le Neutre' ('The Neutral'), Lectures at the Collège de France, 1978.
  • 'Elements of Semiology' The first half of the book, from
  • Roland Barthes by Philippe Sollers(in French)
  • Roland Barthes and Juri Lotman – special issue of Sign Systems Studies 44(3), 2016.

Roland Barthes Books

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